My girls are the best and I can't say enough good things about them. I know I'm prejudice but seriously, these girls are amazing. Not only are they great knitters, but their other talents include, piano, violin, cello, gymnastics, soccer and much more. In fact Madeline and Elena performed a cello/violin duet and played Happy Birthday for Katie. It was beautiful.
This same group of girls have been with me for many years, with the youngest being 6 and the oldest 19. The funny thing is that there really isn't any age difference when they're all together. They support each other, talk about their problems and even offer advice. I know this sounds sappy but when I look at them and listen to their conversations, I feel a great sense of hope for our future. Its easy to get caught up in all the bad things you hear out there but trust me, I know from experience that we'll be okay.
With the help of Roxanne at All About Yarn and Bead Basics (both in Coon Rapids) we were off and running on our quest to create the perfect beaded bracelets. We learned many things one of which is that no matter how careful you are, beads fall on the floor! Of course we didn't finish them but we should complete them during our next class. I'll definitely share the pictures of the finished product...Can't wait!
That's about all for now but I'll be back next week with more knitting adventures. We've dusted off the video camera and will be making more videos on everything from I - cord to kitchener graft.
Jack's Bakery
All About Yarn
Bead Basics