Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bringing you up to date!

As usual, time has slipped by me and I've been a bit negligent with my blog. My teaching schedule at StevenBe's and now the Yarn Garage have taken a big chunk out of my spare time. I'm certainly not complaining, far from it....I feel very blessed that my classes are so popular. You'll see, one of these days I'll get my act together and actually get my blog done on a more regular basis!

I would like to share something with all of you that I think you'll find really interesting. In a recent class that I had taught at StevenBe's, one of my students brought in some knitting that belonged to her partner's grandmother. At first glance I wasn't sure what I was looking at - in part because it was in such good condition but once I learned what it was, I asked Pat for her permission to put it on my blog.

What you're looking at is a bandage that was being knit on size 0 needles by the late Edna Harris from Bluffton, Indiana. Here is the shocker; it's from World War I! In those days, there weren't drug stores on every corner that supplied such things. Instead, the Red Cross had to rely on thoughtful women such as Edna to make bandages for our soldiers.

On to my knitting girls and what they are up to. Not sure if I mentioned it but I bought them all a copy of Susan B. Anderson's Spud & Chloe on the farm for Christmas. We all chose a critter and now we're busy knitting the farm....Literally!  I'll keep you posted with our progress.

Last but not least I want to share some of my upcoming projects and the yarns I'll be using for them.

As you can see, I'm a huge fan of Madelinetosh Vintage. The yarn to the left is called Cherry and it will become another Creedence Shawl. The Madelinetosh on the right is the very popular color way called Tart. The picture doesn't really do it justice but it's a red with a hint of black throughout. This will be used for my Creature Comfort Sweater...Which by the way will be a class this fall at StevenBe's! Last but not least is my lace weight Shalimar yarn. The fiber content is merino, silk and cashmere and as you can see, I'm already doing my gauge swatch. This will become a shawl that was created by my favorite designer, Corrina Ferguson. I'll share my progress in upcoming blogs.

Well, I'm off on my knitting adventures and I wish you well with yours!

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